10 Best Possible Career Paths for Animal Lovers

If you’re an animal lover, then it makes sense to follow a career path where you get to work closely with them. Here, we have 10 possible career paths for animal lovers; some more obvious than others. There’s a career path for all education levels when it comes to animals. See if any of them take your fancy and follow your chosen career path!


Becoming a vet is probably one of the most obvious options. You’ll work or run in a veterinary office, tending to all kinds of animals and ailments. You’ll be expected to make pets better. This can be an extremely lucrative career, where you could potentially open up your own vets.

Salary? Vets can earn in the region of $30,967 per year. The more experience, the better the pay.

Hours of work? Your hours will usually be varied, and include weekend work. You will be put on a rota with other vets. If you own a veterinary practice, you may have more time off than vet nurses.

Education needed? Good grades and university degree.


This career path might seem a little morbid, but only if you’re not looking at it the right way. Taxidermists are paid for making dead animals appear lifelike again, preserving them forever. Sometimes it’s done for distraught owners, who don’t want to accept the fact that their beloved pet has gone.

Salary? Anywhere from $16,000- $29,000 per year.

Hours of work? If working in a museum or store, regular opening hours. If working for yourself, whatever hours you set yourself.

Education needed? Programs are available, but none required. Will need a strong stomach and attention to detail.


If you’d like to be a zoologist your job will be to research and discover different animals. It can be a very exciting career, and there are different sectors you can choose to work in. Furthering your career is possible too.

Salary? Around $60,000.

Hours of work? 30-40 per week, some may be unsociable.

Education needed? Basic education in algebra, biology, chemistry, and physics before moving on to higher education.

Dog Walker

Dogs need to be walked, but we can’t just let them roam free with no supervision, or they’d never come home. If somebody hasn’t got the time to walk their dogs themselves, a dog walker can do this for them. You’d need to be able to keep multiple dogs under control, as well train them and play with them.

Salary? Up to $60 per hour in some cases!

Hours of work? Any time of day.

Education needed? None! Skills with dogs beneficial.

Pet Groomer

Pet groomers specialize in tidying pets up, whether it’s for a show or just because they need it. Fur will be trimmed, claws will be clipped, and sometimes you may even need to give a pet a jazzy hair style. Specialist pet groomers now offer the service of turning pets into cartoon characters for competitions.

Salary? $12,000 per year to start.

Hours of work? 40 hours per week, 9-5.

Education needed? Course at a grooming training center or further education college.


As a zookeeper, you’d work in a zoo tending to the animals and making sure everything is in order. You may also give demonstrations to audiences, feed the animals, and tidy up after them. You’ll need to be able to get animals to trust you, and be comfortable around even the most dangerous of animals.

Salary? Up to $24,000 per year.

Hours of work? All hours – whenever the animals need you.

Education needed? Good grades and qualification in animal science.


Animal Shelter Worker

Animal shelters help abandoned and homeless animals to find loving forever homes. This can take some time for some animals, as many people prefer to buy their pets new from breeders. There is usually nothing wrong with the pets in shelters; they were simply bought by owners who didn’t think things through properly and have done the unspeakable by abandoning their pet.

Salary? up to $20,000.

Hours of work? All hours.

Education needed? Animal care course.


Animal Cruelty Investigator

Unfortunately, some people are missing a screw or two and think that it’s fun to abuse poor, defenseless animals. As an animal cruelty investigator it’ll be your job to protect these animals. You’ll need to investigate claims made, usually by neighbors who suspect next door is abusing their pet. You’ll then need to come up with some idea of what to do. In some cases, you’ll need to take pets away from their owners for their safety. Neglect is a big form of abuse that’s