How to Become a Successful Corporate Lawyer

In a man’s world, it often takes kick-ass women to shake things up. You need to have a lot of grit to break into the world of law. But, if you are keen on making a positive impact within corporations that are some great things that you can do. Becoming a corporate lawyer can be difficult. But, it can be a worthwhile and lucrative career.

What is a Corporate Lawyer?

A corporate lawyer is an attorney, or solicitor, that practice law within business. This means that you will often be called upon to keep corporations or business owners out of trouble. You will advise on a wide range of issues. This could be on contractual obligations. It could be on issues surrounding employment. In short, you need to have a good, in-depth knowledge of the law world and what factors affect business. You need to make sure that the company you are working for is compliant. What is more, you need to make sure they are operating within the strict legal margins. This can be tough, but it can also be rewarding.

You may be called upon to ensure that you are keeping your clients out of trouble. You will defend them in court, in the event of a lawsuit.

As a corporate lawyer, you will have one client and operate only for them.

How to Become a Corporate Lawyer

It goes without saying that you will have to spend a lot of time in an academic institution. Studying will be your main priority for roughly seven years. You will undertake a bachelor’s degree in Law and specialize in business and corporate law in your second year. You may want to take a master’s degree to pursue this further. You can also take on internships to hone your craft further. Having a mentor is important. You will need an in-depth view of how this industry works. Sadly, this cannot be learnt from a book.


Once you have completed your undergraduate and post-graduate studies, you will need to go to law school. This is less Legally Blonde and more hard work. Of course, if you are up to the task this will not be a problem. You will need a wealth of academic resources while you study. Take a look at Lexis Nexis law books for inspiration of what you will learn.


Upon successful completion of law school, the hard work now starts. You will need to obtain internships. This is usually difficult as the world of law is highly competitive.


Once you have built upon your experience, you can go into the world of corporation laws. This is less competitive as businesses have a need for corporation lawyers. You do not have to worry about being unemployed in this kind of job. You will need to make sure that you keep abreast of law changes and legislation updates.


Many companies are always recruiting. Academic institutions often have open days to ensure that you are employed. What is more, big businesses go to these open days so that they can select the best graduates. Work hard, and you will get a very lucrative job.