How to control your eating habits & avoid overeating

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Food provides different energy, such as vegetables are low-energy foods, oil, red meat, etc. are high-energy foods …… So, how to eat reasonably during weight loss? What foods should not be eaten? How can we not eat too much?

The dangers of eating all the time


Eating high-fat and high-protein food often affects digestion, which leads to the occurrence of obesity.

Research shows that obesity can bring cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, fatty liver, arteriosclerosis, cholecystitis and other diseases, and even complications can occur.

Stomach problems

Eating too much will increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract and lead to indigestion.

The human stomach mucosa epithelial cells should be repaired every 2-3 days, if the last meal is not digested, the next meal to fill, always in a full state, the gastric mucosa will not be repaired, so that the stomach inflammation and indigestion symptoms, over time, may also occur gastric erosion, gastric ulcer and other diseases.


Eating too much will cause the brain to be unresponsive and accelerate the aging of the brain.

After we have eaten enough, all the blood in our body runs to the gastrointestinal system to “work”, which easily makes us stay in a state of fatigue and drowsy.


Studies have found that eating too much can reduce the activity of cancer inhibitors and increase the chance of cancer.

Alzheimer’s disease

A Japanese study found that about 30-40% of Alzheimer’s patients had a habit of prolonged satiety during their young adulthood.


Long-term satiety tends to cause excessive decalcification of the bones, and the probability of osteoporosis is greatly increased.

Kidney disease

Excessive diet can harm the urinary system because excessive non-protein nitrogen is excreted from the kidneys, which inevitably increases the burden on the kidneys.

Acute pancreatitis

Eating too well and too much at dinner, if combined with alcohol consumption, can easily induce acute pancreatitis.

Nervous weakness

Too much dinner, the bulging stomach and intestines will cause pressure on the surrounding organs, so that the “waves” of excitement spread to other parts of the cerebral cortex, inducing neurasthenia.

Weight loss should eat 7 minutes full, are you overeating?

Many people are worried about overeating, so they refuse rice and all high-calorie staples, but in fact we should control our intake.

For example, if you originally ate 1 bowl of rice, you can change it to half a bowl; if you eat a big piece of pork chop every time, you can change it to half a piece.

Our daily energy intake must be balanced, if dieting to lose weight, reduce to yellow and thin, resistance to decline, it is very unnecessary.

Energy intake balance to follow: 60% sugar, 15% protein, 25% fat. Daily food, meat, fish also contains fat, we should eat the standard of 1 tablespoon of oil per day is enough.

Weight loss should eat 7 minutes full, 7 minutes full is what feeling

1, feel inside the stomach does not yet feel full, but there has been a decline in enthusiasm for food, active eating speed has become significantly slower.

2, habitually want to eat more, if the withdrawal of food, will soon forget to eat things.

3, 7 minutes full basically until the next meal will not be hungry in advance.

How to do not eat too much

If you want to eat but not too much, the order of meals should be like this: soup first, then meat and vegetables, and finally the main food; dessert after the meal can not eat, if you want to eat, you can choose to use fruit instead, refined nuts and desserts after the meal is very high energy.

Eat healthy even if you don’t eat too much.

Eat more chicken, lean beef and fish and shrimp without skin, preferably steamed, broiled and stewed food; avoid sugary drinks and alcoholic beverages, drink more tea or lemonade.

For meals, always remember to try to eat a variety of healthy foods, avoid unhealthy foods, limit the intake of fat and salt, and make some appropriate adjustments to food.