Top Dangerous Signs of Lungs Related Diseases That Should Not Be Ignored

A person’s life cannot be separated from breathing, breathing cannot be separated from the lungs, so what are the lungs? The lungs are a respiratory system of the human body, but also the most “delicate” organ of the human body, strong lungs will be healthy, as the saying goes, “bad lungs are born of a hundred diseases”, so if the lungs are bad what will be the performance? In this article we will let you know top symptoms which leads to lung diseases and you must see the doctor if it happens to you, lets know

young woman coughing

5. Unusual Coughing

Don’t underestimate the cough on a regular basis, as the precursor of lung cancer is coughing, which is so common that it is easily overlooked as flu. Here is a reminder: cough is not a trivial matter. If dry cough lasts for a long time with a small amount of white sputum, it is recommended to go to hospital for examination, and smoking group needs special attention.

Chest pain girl

4. Chest Pain

A survey found that the lungs are not good, 50% of people will have chest pain symptoms in bed, especially people with a history of smoking, such as chest tightness at night when sleeping, chest pain to pay special attention, it is likely that the lungs have been damaged.


3. Skin Pigmentation

The role of the lungs is mainly to carry out gas exchange, usually breathing will continue to inhale a variety of toxic substances, if the inhalation of these harmful substances, the function of the lungs decline, it will lead to its ability to metabolize toxins reduced, resulting in harmful substances into the blood, so that the skin pigmentation, can be manifested as a lusterless face, black, dark.

Sprained Thumb

3. Sprained Thumbs

Each organ of the human body has certain corresponding parts, including the thumb corresponds to the lung meridians, so look at the thumb is also able to understand the health of the lungs. Our thumb root thick, fingertip slightly thin, red and lustrous elastic, if the lungs have problems, then their thumb, press down when the thumb rebound speed is slow, and poor elasticity, this time to pay attention to, there may be a lack of lung gas performance, the risk of lesions.

Oil Smoke

2. Difficulty in Breathing Caused by Oil Smoke

Frying or frying fumes will contain a large amount of benzene than thin, which is a very strong carcinogenic substances. If you do not open the hood, you will inhale a lot of fumes, and the risk of lung cancer will be relatively increased. If you are experiencing difficulty in breathing when you expose to any kind of oil smoke, immediately consult to the doctor.

Smokers Cough

1. Unusual Coughing Cased by Smoking

Smoking is harmful to the lungs in four main ways: First, smoking will lead to the human respiratory tract is not smooth, leading to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Second, tobacco contains a large number of carcinogenic substances, which can lead to the dysregulation of human organs and mechanisms, cancer of cells, such as lung cancer, nasopharyngeal cancer, etc. Third, smoking can lead to the emergence of coronary atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases. Fourth, smoking can lead to a decrease in human fertility. If your lungs are weak, you will find yourself in serious trouble by smoke, see the doctor if your lungs pretend unusual behavior for any kind smoke, even if you don’t smoke.


People with bad lungs are recommended to increase their lung capacity through moderate exercise every day, which not only improves the conversion function of the lungs, but also expels more waste gas. Morning running is one of the most effective ways, it is recommended to go to outdoor parks, forest exercise.