Why rapid weight loss rebounds fast? Beware of becoming easy get fat & difficult to lose

Weight loss

The faster you lose weight, the faster you actually rebound

According to a report in the New York Times, a medical expert tracked 14 participants of a famous weight loss reality show and found that although they lost an average of more than 100 pounds of meat each in 30 weeks. But in the six years that followed, almost all of them, the weight went back up, and many were even fatter than before they participated.

There are also a variety of ways to lose weight quickly on the body damage is difficult to recover in the long term: the

1, the skin will become saggy

People who choose to lose weight quickly, the skin will become very saggy after weight loss, the skin on the face saggy saggy.

Why does the skin sag so much after rapid weight loss?

It is because there is less fat to support the skin, and if there is not enough fat to support the skin, the skin will naturally sag. Usually, people who lose weight by liposuction are most likely to have sagging skin.

2, triggering the symptoms of malnutrition

Many people in the process of rapid weight loss, often choose to diet or take diet pills, and these methods will lead to insufficient nutritional intake, over time, because of the lack of essential nutrients, organ function will be reduced, but also malnutrition.

3, resulting in poor gastrointestinal function

Many people often restrict their diet to lose weight in order to get a good weight loss effect as soon as possible. This will make the protein content suddenly reduced, and it is easy to damage the stomach and intestines, causing stomach pain and other adverse symptoms.

Some people will choose to eat vegetarian, but fat is also one of the essential nutrients for the body, without fat, the body’s metabolic capacity will decline, so the stomach and intestines can not adapt quickly, even if you can lose weight, but the weight loss is easy to appear from the gastrointestinal bad, resulting in the body to occur indigestion and other symptoms.

Reasons for rapid weight loss rebound

1, relaxed carelessness after reaching the goal and began to eat without restraint.

2, and fat together with muscle is also reduced, metabolism is also reduced, so it is difficult to consume what you eat.

3、The body that is used to low-calorie food will absorb nutrients efficiently, and once it returns to the usual amount of eating, it will cause over-absorption of nutrients, thus causing a pile-up.

How to avoid rebound after weight loss

1, the gap between fat and thin is metabolism

If a person’s basal metabolic rate is raised, his daily consumption of calories will increase, the body will not hoard too many calories to form fat, naturally, you can lose weight. So how to improve the basal metabolic rate? Basal metabolic rate is closely related to the body’s muscle mass. When the proportion of muscle in the body is higher, the basal metabolic rate will be higher. So to increase your basal metabolic rate you need to keep exercising while maintaining a regular diet. Through the combination of aerobic exercise and strength training, exercise muscle, improve muscle content.

2, diet, work and rest to regular

Irregular diet affects the digestion will affect the metabolism, often stay up late, not enough rest, the body metabolism will also be affected. Therefore, regular diet, not overeating, not excessive dieting, three meals a day normal, control the intake of calories but not excessive; to ensure adequate sleep, less late at night, before going to bed to do a simple massage to improve sleep quality can improve the body’s metabolism.

3, buy small packages of food

Studies show that if we buy large packages of food, we can eat up to 44% more. Compared with those small, single-serving packages of food, large packages of food will greatly improve the chances of eating multiple servings at once. So try to choose small packages of food.

4, reduce the hunger before the meal

To prevent overeating during meals, you can consume some small snacks about an hour before the meal, such as a piece of hard cheese, an apple or low-sugar cheese. This will help reduce hunger and prevent overeating before a hearty meal.

5. Plan three meals to eat

Plan your three meals ahead of time, there is an indicator to follow easier to control. The daily eating time should be a strict plan. After successful weight loss, although no longer need to diet, but to maintain weight, should not eat at unnecessary times. For example, you can add a small amount every day, a proper meal, and to avoid 5 hours before going to bed should not eat, sleep time body calorie consumption less, it is easy to lead to fat hoarding.