World’s Most Famous College Degree Scams Ever


Harvard, Yale and other colleges have at some time or the other fallen prey to degree scams. People with twisted, ingenious minds have attempted to game the system. Let’s take a look at the World’s most famous college degree scams.

Naval Academy Cheating Ring

After acquiring an early copy of the electrical engineering exam, a student traded it for just $50 to several students. 134 students bought the test in order to get better grades. The students then either memorized the test or went in with the answers. 24 midshipmen had to face expulsion and 62 faced disciplinary action.

Baruch College Student Grade Padding

In order to continue receiving tuition money, 15 students received higher grades than they deserved. Students were able to cheat in their exams and professors with knowledge of this cheating did nothing. Baruch College was sued by four erstwhile students.

West Virginia University’s MBA Cheat

The daughter of the Governor was appointed CEO of a firm. She claimed to have completed an MBA from West Virginia University. In reality she had not as was revealed by a Pittsburgh Post-Gazette investigation. The Dean of that school and the Provost both resigned.

Indiana University Dentistry School Cheating Ring

Hacking was how half the students of this school obtained their papers earlier than the exam date. Many were expelled, suspended and reprimanded. Upon appeal, the dismissals were reversed.

Henry Ford 2: Thesis Cheat

Henry Ford 2 attending Yale was probably not the best student in the class. He paid another student to write his thesis on the books of Thomas Hardy. Ford’s cheating was found; he admitted to cheating and never completed his graduation. Some of this story was denied by Henry Ford 2.

Florida State University Football Player Scandal

Several Football players were involved in a scandal wherein their tutors provided them papers for online tests before the actual tests. It was later found that 61 athletes were part of this cheating ring. One tutor revealed answers for online tests while the other was accused of revealing quiz answers and typing papers for students.

Long Island High School Sat Scam

Students from Long Island were accused of paying $2500 for increasing their grades. These students paid people to take the SAT for them so that they could get better grades. 20 people were taken into custody.

University of Minnesota Basketball Team Scandal

Tutors at this university admitted to writing several papers for members of the basketball team. Four players were suspended as a result of these revelations.

Sex For Grades

In Diablo Valley College, California a scandal was exposed where sex was traded for grades. Several students paid $600 to have their grades modified. Later it also came to light that some students were trading sex for grades.

Southern University Grade Change Scandal

An assistant registrar changed over 500 student grades before being fired. The story came to light when a woman claimed to have a master’s degree without any record.

Dukes Fuqua School of Business Scam

MBA students collaborated on a take home test so as to increase their grades. When this came out several students were arrested, suspended and failed.

University of Virginia Scam

Several students were found submitting identical papers over the course of their study. This was discovered after papers were passed through duplicate identifying software. Students were prosecuted and degrees were revoked.

There is a marked difference between honesty and dishonesty. Dishonest students over the course of their lives often get trapped in a web of their own making. Honest people on the other hand can walk with their heads held high, without fear, secure in the trust they have placed in honest actions.